{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Savanna Tanks", "url": "https://www.savannatanks.co.za", "sameAs": [ "https://www.savannatanks.co.zm", "https://www.savannatanks.co.zw", "https://www.savannatanks.co.bw", "https://www.savannatanks.co.mz" ] }
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Take our HAND !! You ain't heavy - You're my Brother !!

In this day and age of service excellence !!! Poor QcP & contractual problems -- We have decided to aid the industry and also as a roll out our ISO Grading.

Launching this new service on the 1st June 2018

With The following :

1 F R E E downloadable Drawings -- Need a drawing for a presentation , a tender submission, to show an engineer ? a client ?

2 F R E E QcP Packs --- To confirm Quality , abide by a standard on the ground , have a recordable history to allow for Trace back .

Free Downloadable drawings -- We have an extensive data base, why not share ? Yes, each and every drawing is copyrighted and yes each and every drawing is project specific. But at Savanna Tanks , we heard the calling, for drawings for discussion and tender purposes, or just to get an idea on how your project might look like.

A drawing has value and responsibility !! Yes, That's true ! And we believe in wealth distribution of information. Show yourself as a healer or an industry leader and play and act the part too. That's why we are taking the lead -- With over 2000 installations regionally we need to step up to the plate. It's time to talk the walk / or walk the talk , whatever the saying goes.

Responsibility -- Yes --- a drawing in the wrong hands is like a 4 year baby with a loaded Colt 45 -- Be very careful , who has issued the drawing ? Is the drawing at IFC status ? Does the drawing look doctored ? Ask for the author's authority consent letter. Match the drawing to the design calculations.

Copy & Paste -- Its a sad reality, and software is getting better and better -- How do we protect the industry from Cut & Paste -- Easy , firstly, we have invisible signatures all over our drawings , almost like currency protection -- Water marks , specific serial numbers etc. Secondly, specific member sizes and important technical information is excluded making the drawings useless for specific projects. Certainly, not enough to gain IFC status. Thirdly, all drawings are offered in a secure electronic platform of PDF.

With our QcP pack and Client Packs - This Is going to be first in the industry. The idea is to work with traceable QcP and having the client full access.

All information will be available on our web page - www.savannatanks.co.bw

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